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Http://www.scienceandnonduality.comin this memorable conversation from sand 18 peter levine, the father of trauma therapy work, and thomas huebl, a spiritual...
Peter levine was at a trauma conference in the middle east when someone audience asked question: "is it possible to work with if you don't ...
Dr. peter levine tells the story of his first trauma patient.
In one clinical mistake that can heighten a client’s shame, peter levine shares common approach by practitioners could inadvertently increase client...
As the pandemic continues, it’s not uncommon for clients (and sometimes practitioners) to become overwhelmed by feelings of despair.and those may gr...
Hear what levine thinks makes them unique and how he works them. Peter levine tells the story of his first trauma patient. As the pandemic continues, it’s not uncommon for clients (and sometimes practitioners) to become overwhelmed by feelings of despairand those may gr.
▶️ sign up for our newsletter: this episode i speak with a major thinker and pioneer in the field of trau...
This video is included in the free online mindfulness-based stress reduction course (mbsr) by palouse mindfulness ( vide...
Andreessen horowitz funds companies with technology oriented founders. hear what levine thinks makes them unique and how he works them.
Peter levine was at a trauma conference in the middle east when someone audience asked question. Andreessen horowitz funds companies with technology oriented founders. ▶️ sign up for our newsletter.
In one clinical mistake that can heighten a client’s shame, peter levine shares common approach by practitioners could inadvertently increase client.