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#whitneyhouston #ilooktoyouthis is justa a cover. all rights reserved to the owners.original music video: https://www./watch?v=5pze_mdbok8
This is my cover of listen from the broadway musical, dreamgirls.i hope you guys like it!!!piano: delfim moreira.
Home the wiz 🦔 (by lucas mello). This is my cover of listen from the broadway musical, dreamgirlsi hope you guys like itpiano. Zero to hero 💪🏽 hercules (cover by lucas mello).
#whitneyhouston #whitney #lucasmellosinger #coverthis is just a cover. i do not own the song used here. this for entertainment only. no copyright inf...
#britneyspears this is just a cover. all rights to the owners of song.original music video: https://www./watch?v=fhpngqxxumi
All rights reserved to the ownersoriginal music video. #whitneyhouston #whitney #lucasmellosinger #coverthis is just a cover. Despacito remix (cover / lucas mello).
When you believe lucas mello & dislang gomes. Home the wiz 🦔 (by lucas mello). #whitneyhouston #ilooktoyouthis is justa a cover.
This for entertainment only. Finally 💎 cece peniston (by lucas mello). #britneyspears this is just a cover.